Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Window - Low Poly

A bit of modelling for the low poly of the stone window arch this evening.

Hand modelled as z-remesher of stuff like this tends to come out a bit blobby and soft.

You don't really realise how wonkey shit like this is till you model it!

Monday, 21 January 2019

Window High poly

A scan that's been taken into zbrush and cleaned up. Modelled in the windows and bars as the scan data for them was a bit messy.

Sunday, 6 January 2019

Joiner blend

Here's a processed drainage gutter/wall blend that should help things blend nicely between ground and wall.

Processed and baked out but still a fair bit of clean up and tweaking
to do on it...

Wall Texture Experimentation

Playing about with this wall scan today. Experimenting with various ways of de-lighting it. Balancing things with existing window/wall ...